About us
    我們是一家專精於電磁場領域的台灣公司可提供販售電磁場領域分析軟<FEKO>硬<DELL, Supermicro, HSL)的電磁場模擬的最佳求解方案;或電磁場領域的設計上問題可直接顧問執行,包含各型手持式行動裝置與環境間相互的影響行動電話小型無線裝置及無線網路之天線設計,產品以高品質之定位訴求,為客戶提供優質的ODM/OEM服務,由開發到測試、量產售後服務, 產品開發初期,即可與客戶共同設計、研發新產品,並提供完整的解決方案針對觸控式面板設計也提供相對應的快速解決方案期許能協助解決客戶端工作上的電磁場領域任何問題

至於電磁場領域分析軟體合作夥伴 Altair FEKO (早期是EMSS FEKO) 我們(技術團隊一直不變)從2004年開始專精於這工具

    針 對高速電磁模擬運算,我們有10以年以上的經驗可有效的協助客戶做出C/P值高的硬體最佳方案可有效降低軟體授權費用(透過客戶的真實評估與硬體大廠的合作 如: SUN、IBM、HP、DELL、Tyan、Supermicro、Quanta etc),不侷限在Altair FEKO電磁工具,可適用於現階段所有商用電磁工具(Ansys HFSS or CST or Cadence Sigrity etc)或其他CAE工具(Altair Hyperwork or  Ansys etc),客戶群遍及產

     HSL Consulting, which provides design, equipment and services for the establishment and maintenance of RF, IC and PCB design patent etc.

    HSL Antennas, for R&D on advanced antennas, e.g. small / big antenna, RFID type antenna, ZOR antenna, circularly polarized antenna, array antenna,
reflect antenna, MIMO antenna, SAR and antenna design patent etc.

Some Papers :
[1] The‐Nan Chang, Yu‐Chou Chuang, "Antenna covering GSM/PCN/bluetooth and GPS bands",  Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, pp.34-40, Jan. 2011. [SCI]
[2] Chien‐Wen Chiu, Chen‐An Ou, Hwang‐Cheng Wang, Yu‐Chou Chuang, "Card-type slot antenna for UHF RFID tag close to the chest of a human body", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol.53, No.7, pp.1626-1631, July 2013. [SCI]
[3] C.-W. Chiu, C.-H. Chang, and Y.-J. Chi, "A meandered loop antenna for LTE/wwan operations in a smart phone," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 16, 147-160, 2010.
[4] The Nan Chang, and I.S. Chiou, "effect of an enlarged substrate on performance of a partially reflect antenna," Microwave and optical letter, pp. 2275-2276, Sep.2008.
[5] Arunav Phukan, Yu-Chou Chuang, Shen-Shou Max Chung, "Investigation of the Electromagnetic Radiation of Railgun",  FEKO Student Competition, FEKO, South Africa; 09/2014.
[6] Shen Shou Max Chung, Yu-Chou Chuang, "Simulation of the Frequency Response of Railgun", Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of ROC (PSROC 2015), NTHU; 01/2015
Shen Shou Max Chung, Yu-Chou Chuang, "Electromagnetic Radiation of Railgun and Shielding Effects From Its Structures", IEEE Asia Pacific Electromagnetic Compatibility Conference (IEEE APEMC 2015), Taipei; 05/2015.
[8] The-Nan Chang, Jyun-Ming Lin & Yu-Chou Chuang, "Quasi-Loop Antenna with Wide Axial-Ratio Bandwidth", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications , Volume 29, Issue 7, 2015.
[9] Shen Shou Max Chung, Yi-Hsin Chou, Yu-Chou Chuang, "From Radar Absorption Materials to Radar Cross Section: Beginner’s RF Stealth Engineering Using FEKO", Altair Technical Conference, Taipei, 09/2015.
[10] Shen Shou Max Chung, Yi-Hsin Chou, Yu-Chou Chuang, "Radar Cross Section Analysis of Stealth Fighter Design", National Symposium on Telecomunication, At Yuan Ze University, Tao Yuan, Taiwan, 11/2015.
[11] Shen Shou Max Chung, Yu-Chou Chuang, "Characteristics of Electromagnetic Radiation of a Railgun at the Final Firing Stage", " IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science,  Volume:PP,  Issue: 99, pp. 1-11, Dec.2015.
[12] Shen Shou Max Chung, Yu-Chou Chuang, "The RF Stealth Effect Of Curved Air Intake Duct On The Front Radar Cross Section Of Jet Fighter Engine", Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of ROC (PSROC 2016), At NSYSU, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, JANUARY 2016.
[13] Shen Shou Max Chung, Yu-Chou Chuang, "The Field And Phase Distribution Of Air Intake Duct And Jet Engine Mockup: First Step Towards Active Radar Cross Section Reduction", Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of ROC (PSROC 2016), At NSYSU, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, JANUARY 2016.
[14] Shen Shou Max Chung, Yu-Chou Chuang, "Simulation on change of generic satellite radar cross section via artificially created plasma sprays", Plasma Sources Science and Technology, Volume 25, Number 3,  30 March 2016.
[15] Shen Shou Max Chung, Yu-Chou Chuang, Chun-Te Wu, Han-Chang Hsieh. "Preliminary Design of 94 GHz E-band Phase Array Antenna for Future Mobile Communication", The 7th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility & Signal Integrity and Technical Exhibition (APEMC 2016), At Shenzhen, China; 05/2016.
[16] Shen Shou Max Chung, Yu-Chou Chuang, "Radar Cross Section Analysis of Naval RF Stealth Vessels Using FEKO", Altair Technical Conference, Taipei, 09/2016.
[17] Shen Shou Max Chung, Yu-Chou Chuang, "The Effects of Engin on the Front Bistatic Radar Cross Section of a Jet Fighter",  AASRC Conference,  Kaohsiung, 11/2016.
[18] Shen Shou Max Chung, Yu-Chou Chuang, "From Radar Cross Section Perspective to Investigate the Shielding Effect of Wind Turbine Array on Military Vessel", 25th National Defense Technology Conference (ND25), Acer Aspire Park, Lung Tan, Taoyuan, Taiwan; 11/2016.
[19] Yu-Chou Chuang, Chun-Te Wu, Po-I Chu, Yuen-Chou Hsieh and Pei-Hsiu Hung, "Research and Analysis of High Frequency Microwave Electricity of Radome",
25th National Defense Technology Conference (ND25), Acer Aspire Park, Lung Tan, Taoyuan, Taiwan; 11/2016.
[20] Shen Shou Max Chung, Yu-Chou Chuang, Chun-Te Wu and Jianli Dong "The Effects of Geometric Factors on the Radar Cross Section of Wind Turbine", CATA Conference, Taipei, 11/2016.
[21] Shen Shou Max Chung, Yu-Chou Chuang, "The Shielding Effects Of Wind Turbine And Its Relationship To Radar Viewing Angle", Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of ROC (PSROC2017), At Tam Kang University, Taipei, Taiwan, JANUARY 2017.
[22] Shen Shou Max Chung, Yu-Chou Chuang, "The Source Of Wind Turbine Radar Cross Section", Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of ROC (PSROC2017), At Tam Kang University, Taipei, Taiwan, JANUARY 2017.
[23] Shen Shou Max Chung, Yu-Chou Chuang, "Material Aspect of Wind Turbine Radar Cross Section", 2017 National Symposium on Telecommunication (2017 NST), At Sun Moon Lake Youth Center, Nan Tou, Taiwan, JANUARY 2017.
[24] Shen Shou Max Chung, Yi-Hsin Chou, Yu-Chou Chuang, "Radar Cross Section Analysis of Stealth Fighter Design: Key Factors and Limitation of Simulation", International Journal of Electrical Engineering(IJEE), JANUARY 2017.
[25] Shen Shou Max Chung, invited talk, “Design, Construction, and Operation Considerations of Stealth Military Platform,”, ATFS&AS Conference, June 2017.
[26] Cheng-Nan Chiu, Yu-Chou Chuang, Jheng-Yu Chen, "Weight Reduction Procedure for Avionic Patch Antennas", APS-URSI 2017, 07/2017.
[27] Shen Shou Max Chung, Yu-Chou Chuang, "Evaluation of Submarine Radar Cross section and Effects of Radar Absorption Material on Periscope Using FEKO", Altair Technical Conference, Taipei, 07/2017.
[28] Shen Shou Max Chung, Yu-Chou Chuang, Shih Chung Tuan, "The Sensibility of Radar Cross Section of Radar Absorption Material to Its Dielectric Constants", 24rd National CFD Conference, 08/2017.
[29] Shen Shou Max Chung, Shih Chung Tuan, Yu-Chou Chuang, "Response of Radar Cross Section Reduction Bandwidth to the Dielectric Constant", PIERS 2017 Singapore, November 2017.
[30] Chien-Ting Kao1, Cheng-Nan Chiu1, Yu-Chou Chuang, Tsung-Ching Lin, Han-Chang Hsieh, "An Effective EMI-Suppression Technique for Modern Wideband Common-Mode Filters", The 2018 Joint IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility & Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (2018 Joint IEEE EMC & APEMC), At Singapore; 05/2018.
[31] Shao Po Sun, Cheng-Nan Chiu, Yu-Chou Chuang, Tsung-Ching Lin, Han-Chang Hsieh, "A High-Gain Circularly-Polarized Patch Antenna Design Using an Advanced Shielding Technique", The 2018 Joint IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility & Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (2018 Joint IEEE EMC & APEMC), At Singapore; 05/2018.

Academic Talks : 
[1] 200807 全國電磁相容技術與實務研討會(逢甲) / 題目(2):Full-wave Simulators for Solving Electromagnetics
[2] 201305 大同大學 / 利用電磁模擬工具解決電磁問題
[3] 201409 國立臺灣大學 / 利用多重演算法解決真實複雜電磁問題
[4] 201510 亞東技術學院 / 利用電磁模擬工具(FEKO)解決真實複雜的天線電磁問題
[5] 201609 空軍航空技術學 / 2016EMST(電磁模擬技術工作坊) / IEEE AP-S Tainan chapter。
[6] 201610 亞東技術學院 / 藉由多重演算法解決真實複雜的電磁問題
[7] 201611 輔仁大學 / 通訊元件與量測
[8] 201612 輔仁大學 / 天線設計與實作
[9] 201703 亞東技術學院 / 藉由多重演算法解決現今產品開發之剖析。

atents :
[1]  Patent (US8084695B2, US8153906B2, USRE44586E, CN101442877B, CN101346039B, I320681, I372491.) , Interconnection structure for improving signal integrity, Useful patent for 3D IC or connetcor and system integration of IC + package + PCB.
[2]  發明人 : 張知難,莊彧宙, "寬頻天線 (Wide-Band Antenna)" I423528.(專利權人:大同大學)



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